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How Long Should You Wear Gloves?
Time:2023-04-14  Click Volume:

Latex gloves can be used safely for an extended time. A study from Glasgow Dental School showed that latex gloves could be used for up to three months without ill effects on the skin. The people participating in the study used gloves at least four days a week for eight hours each day. This demonstrates you can use latex gloves for many days without compromising the health of your skin.

However, latex gloves are thin and are meant to be disposable, which is why you purchase them in large quantities. Despite the length of time you can wear a pair of gloves without skin irritation from latex, you should still be changing to fresh gloves regularly throughout the workday.

A good rule is to change to a new pair of gloves every time you begin a new task to avoid cross-contamination. You should also change them immediately if they become ripped, soiled, come into contact with raw meat, and you intend to handle other foods and after roughly four hours of continuous use at a single task.

How Long Should You Wear Gloves?